Sunday, January 16, 2011

Christmas with the Corrieas!!!

Here are some pictures of all our awesome times with the Corrieas!!

China So Far

I first want to say: I'm sorry I have not posted as much as I should.
On account of school, homework and traveling I have not been able to post as much as I should I'm sorry!!!
Second: I want to thank The Corrieas for coming almost half way around the world for us!!!
We all had a blast in Shekou, Hong Kong , and Macao together.
I'll try to post more often!!!
Thank you!!

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Hey Y'all!
The 1st pic in my last post is a moon cake and the last one is a chicken foot.
Gross I know, but I also tried frog legs and they taste like really salty bony chicken.
Hey I miss you all at school and in Portland or not and hope you are all doing well!
Tomorrow we are going to the other side of Shenzhen, and seeing whats that like and we have already explored Hong Kong, they have a ben&jerries! YAY!
Here are some more pictures of China this time my school, which is hard but fun.
Miss You All!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Who wants to come to china?

Well, I know some of you may be skeptical about come into China. Maybe this post can clear some things up for you.
The food:
As long as you know were to go the food is fine, and everything is fried so it tastes good! Above are two Chinese foods, are they good? Well.....


Hey sorry I have not posted anything in awhile. I have been uber busy in between school, homework, cross country, traveling, and friends. Once again sorry and I'll try to blog more but if you really need to contact me e-mail is the best way or skype.
Forever a Mainer,

Monday, August 9, 2010

Chinese Stitches

Well, guess what i did today? I just got 5 stitches in an er not the most sanitary hospital.
After 2 and a half hours of 2 shots which felt like 5, getting my finger drenched in a liquid that should be used as an torture method, 5 stitches, and 5 renditions of Yankee doodle dandy (the song i choose to blurt out when being subjected to very painful injections) i am finally at my apartment with a finger that has its own heart beat. so, the lesson... do not cut onions with a steak knife in china.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Our new home

here are some pictures of our new home!
2 pictures of the view from our apartment and....